Have you ever had that
feeling, like you didn't know what to do?
Have you ever felt like
people, found pleasure in hurting you?
Have you ever in your
life, felt verbally abused?
Have you ever in your
life, felt completely used?
Have you ever loved someone
so much, it hurt to say goodbye?
Have you ever found something
out, that made you want to cry?
Have you ever loved someone,
and then they broke your heart?
Have you ever felt so
depressed; it felt like your life was falling apart?
Have you ever been called
a name, and wondered if it was true?
Have you ever wondered
why, no one seems to love you?
Have you ever wondered
why people act like you aren't there?
Have you ever thought
about your mistakes and wanted to shed a tear?
Have you ever felt like
you just wanted to die?
Have you ever thought
that your best friend was telling you a lie?
Have you ever wished
that you were never born?
Have you ever had that
feeling that that your heart was just torn?
Have you ever felt so
happy, that tears filled your eyes?
you ever lied to someone and they found out you were telling lies?
the important thing is not have you ever, but instead what will you do?
you go on with your life or make your feelings get the best of you?